Archives For November 30, 1999

shutup-1“Why don’t you just believe what you believe and allow others to believe what they believe? You can’t force someone to believe what you believe!”

The objections rained down as the rhetoric over Chris Broussard’s statements about sin reached a fevered pitch. This type of response has become common when Christians share their perspective on issues of faith and morality. To be honest, I actually agree with these statements…in part. Here’s the part I agree with:

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One of the great challenges of building a house of prayer is focus. Oftentimes believers celebrate the idea of prayer but don’t actually attend prayer meetings. As a leader the challenge is inspiring people to do the prayer meetings and not just celebrate the idea of prayer. This has required me to have laser focus in building IHOP Atlanta. One of our key building strategies has been, “If something doesn’t build the prayer room we don’t do it.” I know this is incredibly narrow, but for us to build and sustain a 24-hour, 7-day a week, corporate worship-led prayer meeting, we’ve needed to be very narrow. We’ve needed to cut out the distractions and give ourselves wholeheartedly to the place of prayer. As a result, by God’s grace we’ve been able to offer Jesus ceaseless adoration and intercession for the last 6 years. Thank you JESUS!

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China is home to the largest revival the world has ever seen. Conservative estimates say that 30,000 people are coming to the Lord Jesus daily. That’s approximately 1 million salvations per month. These are not simply crusade evangelism stats of people who filled out a commitment card, there are no crusades or mass evangelism efforts in China. Rather, these are actual conversions of people who are added to the church. Truly the Word of the Lord is running swiftly and being glorified!

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