Archives For November 30, 1999

day-and-nightIsa 62:6 – 7  I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, 7  And give Him no rest till He establishes And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

God is raising up a prayer movement all across the earth right now. I stand in awe as I see the  Scriptures being fulfilled in a very specific way in this generation. In no other generation has night and day prayer taken hold as it has in our generation.  Twenty years ago, a ministry of 24-hour worship and intercession would have been an oddity in the body of Christ. Today, all over the world God is raising up praying churches and houses of prayer who are devoted  to night and day worship and prayer. God has made ceaseless worship and intercession a central focus of His church and it continues to grow.

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How do I explain what happened this weekend?  It’s nearly impossible to communicate in a blog, but I will do my best.

Let me start by saying that I have a great distaste for hype or self-promotion.  I have a great value for reality and truth, especially when it comes to testifying of the works of the Lord.  I dont’ think exaggeration helps anyone. With that said, I hope what I share next stirs your hunger and faith.

This past weekend at IHOP-Atlanta we had a leadership summit with about 70 leaders from around the nation.  We were gathering to receive strategy and impartation to build the houses of prayer.  My good friend David Sliker, from IHOP-KC, has ministered with me and others in this event for the past five years. This year was different because He and I were the only speakers. Continue Reading…